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陳彥斌 Fangas Nayaw

軟硬倍事聯合藝術總監。原住民籍表演藝術創作工作者。近年演出、編導及創作領域橫跨影像、戲劇及舞蹈,有「創作怪獸」之稱。創作風格多變,旨意在探討也分享「人」的趨性、動向,讓他不斷地向自然界尋找,以大自然為師。2016年導演作品〈牆上。痕 Mailulay〉榮獲第十四屆「台新藝術獎」年度五大作品獎。執導之〈Oli邊境〉入圍「SXSW」、「高雄電影節」VR競賽影片。2017年臺北世大運開幕編舞家。2018年巴黎西帖國際藝術村駐村藝術家。策展暨導演作品〈masingkiay, 嗨歌三百首〉受邀至巴黎龐畢度藝術中心2019「Cosmopoli #2 雙年展」。擔任2020至2022「臺北白晝之夜」、2021與2022臺灣文博會主題館表演藝術策展統籌。2021年「澳洲亞太當代藝術三年展」,受邀創作〈拉什麼龐克〉四頻道錄像作品。2022臺灣美術雙年展受邀藝術家,受邀創作〈亞人阿咪使〉,2022年ACC文化獎助獲獎人。多次以導演、編舞、表演者、講師等身份參與國家兩廳院、臺中歌劇院、衛武營國家藝術文化中心、臺北藝術節等單位及藝術節之表演藝術作品與活動節目。

Amis artist Fangas Nayaw is the co-artistic director of Fist & Cake Production and is also known for an interdisciplinary creative practice ranging from performing, choreographing to creating image works, theatre and dance performances. The style of his work is varied and aims to explore and share the tendencies and motivations of 'human beings, allowing him to constantly look to the natural world as a mentor. His directing work, Mailulay, won the 14th Taishin Arts Award in 2016. A Song Within Us, another directing work by Fangas Nayaw, was shortlisted for the VR Category at Kaohsiung Film Festival and the SXSW film festival. He is the choreographer for the opening of the Taipei 2017 Universiade and was the artist-in-residence at Cité Internationale des arts. His curatorial and directing work masingkiay: Co-creating a Collective was invited to be exhibited at ‘Cosmopolis #2’ in Pompidou Centre (Paris, France, 2019). He was the performance coordinator of the 2020-2022 Nuit Blanche Taipei and the 2021-2022 Taiwan Cultural Expo. In 2021, he was invited to create a four-channel video work La XXX Punk for the 10th Asia Pacific Triennial of Contemporary Art (Australia, 2021). 


In 2022, Fangas Nayaw was commissioned by 2022 Taiwan Art Biennial for the new mixed-media performance “Demi-Ami Cladogenesis”, also he was awarded the ACC Grant in the same year. As a director, choreographer, performer and lecturer, Fangas Nayaw has participated in events, performances and exhibitions held at venues, including the National Theatre and Concert Hall, the National Taichung Theater, the National Kaohsiung Center for the Arts (Weiwuying), the Taipei Arts Festivals. 


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